coaching - let’s reconnect you with your confidence!

Sometimes you need a helping hand...

Get Clear. Get Confident. Get Going.

show up with your best stuff…every time!


It’s really hard to get what you want when you don't know what you want, yet this is how many people show up. Unclear and hoping for a good outcome. Rather than knowing what they want, planning for the best outcome, and showing up with confidence. Hear the difference? Hope is not a strategy!

Is this you?

You’re a high performer. You know what you want and you’re willing to do the work to get it. You recognize the benefit of being really clear about your outcomes and are willing to invest in getting clear when you’re not. Yes, even high performers sometimes need a sounding board and some unbiased help to sort through the best way to approach a situation.

I offer one time strategy sessions for clients who are super focused on a targeted and specific need and are motivated to do deep, concentrated work.

This session is designed to establish exactly what you want to get out of your particular situation and how you want to show up. Once this is established we work together through conversation and exercises to get you prepared and ready to show up with CONFIDENCE!

This session includes a pre-session questionnaire followed by a 60 minute one on one coaching session.

strategy sessions to get you on the right track

Maybe this is you?

You’ve just made the leap to a new role…congratulations!  Reality sets in, there are people to meet and impress. You want to start off on the right foot and then boom…all of a sudden it happens – imposter syndrome - rears its ugly head. Ugh. You know it – all high performers do.  You didn’t get the promotion because you don’t know what you’re doing, yet it’s lingering there in the background…that voice that is trying to convince you that you don’t belong where you are.  Despite it being a liar, it can sometimes sound pretty convincing.

I work with clients in situations where getting clarity on their outcomes is critical to their success. These coaching sessions prepare you to hit the ground running: Knowing how you want to show up and being prepared.  Know what else this does? It shuts up the voice of the imposter in your head, so you can continue with doing the great work you were hired to do with confidence!!