Sometimes the wind gets knocked out of you...

You're going to get the wind knocked out of you...then what?

I bet every single one of you reading this understands what 'getting the wind knocked out of you' feels like. It's literally that moment when you can't breathe and everything stops. Maybe you get light headed and come around and you think "whoa what just happened?".

I just had the wind knocked out of me and I'm not going to go into to the details here but I will share some insights about what it feels like and how you have to kind of stand up...brush yourself off and check in.

What exactly do you check?

  • You check all the "things"...physically head to check for damage.

    • Are you breathing?

    • Any broken bones?

But what sometimes gets checking on your insides…your heart. How's it doing?

Life isn't for the faint of heart. You're going to get knocked down and you're going to get back up again...eventually.

It's respecting the process.

Understanding what getting up looks like for you...versus what it  looks like for someone else...because it's going to be entirely different. Makes sense. We're all different. So as I catch my breath and brush myself off, I wanted to remind you: If you've had the wind knocked out of you, take a moment...catch your breath...take inventory...and then take the next best step.

What does this have to do with confidence?

I don't know...maybe nothing. But it has a hell of a lot to do with being human.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

If you've had the wind knocked out of you, here are some suggestions:

  • Before you attempt to get up:

    • Stop. Take a breath. Check for damage, and then ask yourself - What do I need right now?

  • Then stand up and ask for it.

    • Asking and receiving is actually what a confident person does, because they know sometimes others have exactly what they need. There it is...the link to confidence...maybe a bit lame but for this's all I've got.

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



Sometimes the wind gets knocked out of you…then what?