There are no shortcuts...only steps...

They say there are no shortcuts and you have to follow the steps in the right order. Hmmmm...

If you've ever baked a cake, you know the importance of doing the steps in a particular order and a particular way... and truthfully...I might add all the eggs at once without mixing in between...because I'm me!

They say that In order to get all the skills, in order to make it reach the finish can't skip a step...but here's the catch...the steps may be numbered but they aren't necessarily in "your" order and sometimes...a step is skipped isn't about following the rules.

Whether it's five steps, 12 steps or three doesn't matter...

When you start out,  you're told to follow along and it even looks like you're going to be following a linear path. It's all laid out like that isn't it? One step after another.

However, once you get going, what you may notice is... even if the steps appear to be in a particular order... there's gonna be some jumping around.  Some pausing, some challenges, maybe places you get stuck and of course, some turning back when the next step just seems too hard.

Wouldn't it be so much easier if those steps were all in a particular order? Tick those boxes, then move on. My analytical,  logical brain would love that.

How about you?

Wouldn't that make so much sense and be so much easier if they were all in a particular order?

Two steps forward three steps back. Starting over or starting where you are. No one tells you that this IS actually the right way.

Typically when you're learning a new skill, there may a prescribed way to obtain that skill and ...because you're you...that's not necessarily the way it goes. You have to find your own way on your timeline, with your parameters, because you're you.

Two steps forward...three steps back.  As long as you're moving, it's progress.
Or is it?
Pausing and reflecting on where you're at is also progress.

Are you ready?

Let's get to it...

Your challenge...

If you're working through some steps right now, whether you're currently in the two steps back phase, or the three steps forward phase:

  • Remember that the path isn't supposed to be linear.

    • This is your particular learning journey.

  • You will get there eventually.

    • No matter what your goal's being consistent and trusting that all your efforts are going to pay off.

  • Oh ya...probably the most important thing to remember...

    • Be patient and kind with yourself! You're learning.

 You've got this...

Want to learn more about how a few sessions with me can dramatically increase your confidence? Contact me I guarantee you'll be glad you did!



There are no shortcuts…only steps…